Welcome to Shashis Holidays!


Way back in 1998, we foresaw a people & the world getting highly materialistic in its pursuits for everything that comforts & luxury could offer, with everyone seeking the limelight…& the sunshine, at the same time. We also saw the effects this was having on people all over the world, with mega companies becoming spring boards to living life in the fast lane; and we also observed what stress, boardroom pressure & on-the-job mental fatigue did to people…we saw good people going overboard, the news media splashed stories of suicide, & boardroom executives fell of their chairs because the price for success went over their heads & the heart skipped a beat.
Amidst all this, the drums of destiny were beating with a calling to the wild; yoga & meditation gurus took centre stage, medical science introduced stress busters, & most people in developed countries wondered where to go for the ultimate ‘Peace’ & ‘Quiet’ that everyone wanted…to stay away from the veritable ‘rat race’ that destined people to madness, & even the grave in their quest for a piece of the cake. All the while, the process of a concept was taking shape to form an idea into helping guests coming to Nepal realize sooner than later that the Godliness found in the beauty of nature & its immediate affects on the human system was the ideal ‘great escape’ to a more simple life free of the pressures that come with contemporary lifestyles that only invite a visit to the general physician where a true calling into the greater wilderness is the only relief one can experience to a longer life…
The birth of a VISION…
It was this time around that the plan ‘HIKING THE HIMALAYAS’ took shape in that the seed of this thought was ingrained in the mind of the visionary that was Vishma Raj Nepal, who was hiking on some of the highest & most rugged mountains in the world, cutting across trails above the tree-lines into horizons where even human settlements do not exist, in his quest to give visitors the true spirit of adventure that set the mindset of those with a feeling towards the wild to truly enjoy the wonders of nature that brought about the ultimate peace & solitude that was so much the need of the day; way back in 1998. For this is what the birth of a vision beholds in so much that this vision created avenues to the establishment of a company promoting exclusive wilderness treks in some of the most remote & beautiful parts of Nepal’s extensive Himalayas.
That created a MISSION…
During 1998, 2000, and through 2010 till now, we welcomed individuals and small groups to join us for climbing and trekking. We worked extensively to create our own programs that had something for everyone, from the greenhorn to the seasoned hiker. For 15 years, we have organized and led international teams of women and men of all ages, and many of our guests return with us year after year to enjoy what they did in the yester years. Do you seek to become a leader? If so, please visit out our new Leader-In-Training Website that’s highly informative & will give you insights into some of the most extraordinary corners of these huge Himalayas. 
Our long-term philosophy is to provide long hauls-prime quality high-altitude mountain climbing and trekking know-how at the most efficient cost-levels imagined. We seek to design low-budget, cost effective vacations, while traveling responsibly and enjoying adventures that are sustainable through the environments and cultures we visit. We welcome you to join our team & become a part of our Vision, thereby enhancing our Mission to create meaningful holidays that become family stories which will motivate the generations to come…

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News on trekking trails pricing

High Camp Trekking is a Kathmandu/Nepal-based trekking company that specializes in all kinds of treks and mountaineering…

New Trekking Route opened

High Camp Trekking is a Kathmandu/Nepal-based trekking company that specializes in all kinds of treks and mountaineering…

Special Packages